
Once the session is over, I'll comb through all of the photos from your session and edit! (And send you a few sneak peeks because I can't help myself). Then, once all is said and done, I'll send you a link to your online album for you, so you can grab a snack and scroll through your finished photos! And FINALLY, you get to download the high resolution files and put them to use!

receive and download your album!

The fun part! Taking pictures! The whole reason we are here! I understand that this might be the part that you are stressing about. But, the good news is, I've done this a lot! And I've got lots of little tricks to help you relax and look natural on camera. I'll guide you through different expressions, give you prompts, make small changes to angles to make sure we are taking engaging and flattering photos! I also make sure that hairs are in place, clothing is straight, and any other minute detail that could be distracting in a photo.

Shoot lots of great Headshots

As part of any photoshoot, I always take the time for to help my clients plan their session so they can feel comfortable when it comes time to shoot. I've found it makes for a more collaborative and successful experience when I am able to sit down and talk through things like like locations, outfits, styling, goals for the session, and honestly, whatever else may be on your mind. We will do all of that through a video consultation! In addition, I send out a preparation guide to give you lots of information about how to get ready for your session!

Plan and Prep for success

Glad you're here! As an actor and business person myself, I know the stress of trying to present yourself the best way possible. Am I saying the right things? Does the outfit I picked convey what I want to about myself? How do I come off to directors or clients?

That being said, I get it, and I'm happy to make it easier on you. I know your probably a busy bee, so here's a quick run down of how I do things!

Well, Howdy.

So, what now?